Optimizing performance#

Chunk optimizations#

Chunk size and shape#

In general, chunks of at least 1 megabyte (1M) uncompressed size seem to provide better performance, at least when using the Blosc compression library.

The optimal chunk shape will depend on how you want to access the data. E.g., for a 2-dimensional array, if you only ever take slices along the first dimension, then chunk across the second dimension. If you know you want to chunk across an entire dimension you can use the full size of that dimension within the chunks argument, e.g.:

>>> import zarr
>>> z1 = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=(10000, 10000), chunks=(100, 10000), dtype='int32')
>>> z1.chunks
(100, 10000)

Alternatively, if you only ever take slices along the second dimension, then chunk across the first dimension, e.g.:

>>> z2 = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=(10000, 10000), chunks=(10000, 100), dtype='int32')
>>> z2.chunks
(10000, 100)

If you require reasonable performance for both access patterns then you need to find a compromise, e.g.:

>>> z3 = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=(10000, 10000), chunks=(1000, 1000), dtype='int32')
>>> z3.chunks
(1000, 1000)

If you are feeling lazy, you can let Zarr guess a chunk shape for your data by providing chunks='auto', although please note that the algorithm for guessing a chunk shape is based on simple heuristics and may be far from optimal. E.g.:

>>> z4 = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=(10000, 10000), chunks='auto', dtype='int32')
>>> z4.chunks
(625, 625)

If you know you are always going to be loading the entire array into memory, you can turn off chunks by providing chunks equal to shape, in which case there will be one single chunk for the array:

>>> z5 = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=(10000, 10000), chunks=(10000, 10000), dtype='int32')
>>> z5.chunks
(10000, 10000)


If you have large arrays but need small chunks to efficiently access the data, you can use sharding. Sharding provides a mechanism to store multiple chunks in a single storage object or file. This can be useful because traditional file systems and object storage systems may have performance issues storing and accessing many files. Additionally, small files can be inefficient to store if they are smaller than the block size of the file system.

Picking a good combination of chunk shape and shard shape is important for performance. The chunk shape determines what unit of your data can be read independently, while the shard shape determines what unit of your data can be written efficiently.

For an example, consider you have a 100 GB array and need to read small chunks of 1 MB. Without sharding, each chunk would be one file resulting in 100,000 files. That can already cause performance issues on some file systems. With sharding, you could use a shard size of 1 GB. This would result in 1000 chunks per file and 100 files in total, which seems manageable for most storage systems. You would still be able to read each 1 MB chunk independently, but you would need to write your data in 1 GB increments.

To use sharding, you need to specify the shards parameter when creating the array.

>>> z6 = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=(10000, 10000, 1000), shards=(1000, 1000, 1000), chunks=(100, 100, 100), dtype='uint8')
>>> z6.info
Type               : Array
Zarr format        : 3
Data type          : DataType.uint8
Shape              : (10000, 10000, 1000)
Shard shape        : (1000, 1000, 1000)
Chunk shape        : (100, 100, 100)
Order              : C
Read-only          : False
Store type         : MemoryStore
Filters            : ()
Serializer         : BytesCodec(endian=<Endian.little: 'little'>)
Compressors        : (ZstdCodec(level=0, checksum=False),)
No. bytes          : 100000000000 (93.1G)

Chunk memory layout#

The order of bytes within each chunk of an array can be changed via the order config option, to use either C or Fortran layout. For multi-dimensional arrays, these two layouts may provide different compression ratios, depending on the correlation structure within the data. E.g.:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(100000000, dtype='int32').reshape(10000, 10000).T
>>> c = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=a.shape, chunks=(1000, 1000), dtype=a.dtype, config={'order': 'C'})
>>> c[:] = a
>>> c.info_complete()
Type               : Array
Zarr format        : 3
Data type          : DataType.int32
Shape              : (10000, 10000)
Chunk shape        : (1000, 1000)
Order              : C
Read-only          : False
Store type         : MemoryStore
Filters            : ()
Serializer         : BytesCodec(endian=<Endian.little: 'little'>)
Compressors        : (ZstdCodec(level=0, checksum=False),)
No. bytes          : 400000000 (381.5M)
No. bytes stored   : 342588911
Storage ratio      : 1.2
Chunks Initialized : 100
>>> with zarr.config.set({'array.order': 'F'}):
...     f = zarr.create_array(store={}, shape=a.shape, chunks=(1000, 1000), dtype=a.dtype)
...     f[:] = a
>>> f.info_complete()
Type               : Array
Zarr format        : 3
Data type          : DataType.int32
Shape              : (10000, 10000)
Chunk shape        : (1000, 1000)
Order              : F
Read-only          : False
Store type         : MemoryStore
Filters            : ()
Serializer         : BytesCodec(endian=<Endian.little: 'little'>)
Compressors        : (ZstdCodec(level=0, checksum=False),)
No. bytes          : 400000000 (381.5M)
No. bytes stored   : 342588911
Storage ratio      : 1.2
Chunks Initialized : 100

In the above example, Fortran order gives a better compression ratio. This is an artificial example but illustrates the general point that changing the order of bytes within chunks of an array may improve the compression ratio, depending on the structure of the data, the compression algorithm used, and which compression filters (e.g., byte-shuffle) have been applied.

Empty chunks#

It is possible to configure how Zarr handles the storage of chunks that are “empty” (i.e., every element in the chunk is equal to the array’s fill value). When creating an array with write_empty_chunks=False, Zarr will check whether a chunk is empty before compression and storage. If a chunk is empty, then Zarr does not store it, and instead deletes the chunk from storage if the chunk had been previously stored.

This optimization prevents storing redundant objects and can speed up reads, but the cost is added computation during array writes, since the contents of each chunk must be compared to the fill value, and these advantages are contingent on the content of the array. If you know that your data will form chunks that are almost always non-empty, then there is no advantage to the optimization described above. In this case, creating an array with write_empty_chunks=True (the default) will instruct Zarr to write every chunk without checking for emptiness.

The following example illustrates the effect of the write_empty_chunks flag on the time required to write an array with different values.:

>>> import zarr
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import time
>>> def timed_write(write_empty_chunks):
...     """
...     Measure the time required and number of objects created when writing
...     to a Zarr array with random ints or fill value.
...     """
...     chunks = (8192,)
...     shape = (chunks[0] * 1024,)
...     data = np.random.randint(0, 255, shape)
...     dtype = 'uint8'
...     arr = zarr.create_array(
...         f'data/example-{write_empty_chunks}.zarr',
...         shape=shape,
...         chunks=chunks,
...         dtype=dtype,
...         fill_value=0,
...         config={'write_empty_chunks': write_empty_chunks}
...      )
...     # initialize all chunks
...     arr[:] = 100
...     result = []
...     for value in (data, arr.fill_value):
...         start = time.time()
...         arr[:] = value
...         elapsed = time.time() - start
...         result.append((elapsed, arr.nchunks_initialized))
...     return result
... # log results
>>> for write_empty_chunks in (True, False):
...     full, empty = timed_write(write_empty_chunks)
...     print(f'\nwrite_empty_chunks={write_empty_chunks}:\n\tRandom Data: {full[0]:.4f}s, {full[1]} objects stored\n\t Empty Data: {empty[0]:.4f}s, {empty[1]} objects stored\n')
     Random Data: ..., 1024 objects stored
      Empty Data: ...s, 1024 objects stored

     Random Data: ...s, 1024 objects stored
      Empty Data: ...s, 0 objects stored

In this example, writing random data is slightly slower with write_empty_chunks=True, but writing empty data is substantially faster and generates far fewer objects in storage.

Changing chunk shapes (rechunking)#

Coming soon.

Parallel computing and synchronization#

Coming soon.

Pickle support#

Zarr arrays and groups can be pickled, as long as the underlying store object can be pickled. With the exception of the zarr.storage.MemoryStore, any of the storage classes provided in the zarr.storage module can be pickled.

If an array or group is backed by a persistent store such as the a zarr.storage.LocalStore, zarr.storage.ZipStore or zarr.storage.FsspecStore then the store data are not pickled. The only thing that is pickled is the necessary parameters to allow the store to re-open any underlying files or databases upon being unpickled.

E.g., pickle/unpickle an local store array:

>>> import pickle
>>> data = np.arange(100000)
>>> z1 = zarr.create_array(store='data/example-2.zarr', shape=data.shape, chunks=data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
>>> z1[:] = data
>>> s = pickle.dumps(z1)
>>> z2 = pickle.loads(s)
>>> z1 == z2
>>> np.all(z1[:] == z2[:])

Configuring Blosc#

Coming soon.