Extending Zarr#
Zarr-Python 3 was designed to be extensible. This means that you can extend the library by writing custom classes and plugins. Currently, Zarr can be extended in the following ways:
Custom codecs#
This section explains how custom codecs can be created for Zarr format 3 arrays. For Zarr format 2, codecs should subclass the numcodecs.abc.Codec base class and register through numcodecs.registry.register_codec.
There are three types of codecs in Zarr: - array-to-array - array-to-bytes - bytes-to-bytes
Array-to-array codecs are used to transform the array data before serializing
to bytes. Examples include delta encoding or scaling codecs. Array-to-bytes codecs are used
for serializing the array data to bytes. In Zarr, the main codec to use for numeric arrays
is the zarr.codecs.BytesCodec
. Bytes-to-bytes codecs transform the serialized bytestreams
of the array data. Examples include compression codecs, such as
, zarr.codecs.BloscCodec
, and codecs that add a checksum to the bytestream, such as
Custom codecs for Zarr are implemented by subclassing the relevant base class, see
, zarr.abc.codec.ArrayBytesCodec
. Most custom codecs should implemented the
and _decode_single
methods. These methods operate on single chunks
of the array data. Alternatively, custom codecs can implement the encode
and decode
methods, which operate on batches of chunks, in case the codec is intended to implement
its own batch processing.
Custom codecs should also implement the following methods:
, which returns the byte size of the encoded data given the byte size of the original data. It should raiseNotImplementedError
for codecs with variable-sized outputs, such as compression codecs.validate
(optional), which can be used to check that the codec metadata is compatible with the array metadata. It should raise errors if not.resolve_metadata
(optional), which is important for codecs that change the shape, dtype or fill value of a chunk.evolve_from_array_spec
(optional), which can be useful for automatically filling in codec configuration metadata from the array metadata.
To use custom codecs in Zarr, they need to be registered using the
entrypoint mechanism.
Commonly, entrypoints are declared in the pyproject.toml
of your package under the
section. Zarr will automatically discover and
load all codecs registered with the entrypoint mechanism from imported modules.
"custompackage.fancy_codec" = "custompackage:FancyCodec"
New codecs need to have their own unique identifier. To avoid naming collisions, it is
strongly recommended to prefix the codec identifier with a unique name. For example,
the codecs from numcodecs
are prefixed with numcodecs.
, e.g. numcodecs.delta
Note that the extension mechanism for the Zarr format 3 is still under development. Requirements for custom codecs including the choice of codec identifiers might change in the future.
It is also possible to register codecs as replacements for existing codecs. This might be
useful for providing specialized implementations, such as GPU-based codecs. In case of
multiple codecs, the zarr.core.config
mechanism can be used to select the preferred
Custom stores#
Coming soon.
Custom array buffers#
Coming soon.
Other extensions#
In the future, Zarr will support writing custom custom data types and chunk grids.