from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import itertools
import json
import logging
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field, fields, replace
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypeVar, assert_never, cast, overload
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from typing_extensions import deprecated
import zarr.api.asynchronous as async_api
from zarr._compat import _deprecate_positional_args
from import Metadata
from import Store, set_or_delete
from zarr.core._info import GroupInfo
from zarr.core.array import (
from zarr.core.attributes import Attributes
from zarr.core.buffer import default_buffer_prototype
from zarr.core.common import (
from zarr.core.config import config
from zarr.core.metadata import ArrayV2Metadata, ArrayV3Metadata
from zarr.core.metadata.v3 import V3JsonEncoder
from zarr.core.sync import SyncMixin, sync
from zarr.errors import MetadataValidationError
from import StoreLike, StorePath
from import ensure_no_existing_node, make_store_path
from import AsyncGenerator, Generator, Iterable, Iterator
from typing import Any
from zarr.core.array_spec import ArrayConfig, ArrayConfigLike
from zarr.core.buffer import Buffer, BufferPrototype
from zarr.core.chunk_key_encodings import ChunkKeyEncoding, ChunkKeyEncodingLike
from zarr.core.common import MemoryOrder
logger = logging.getLogger("")
DefaultT = TypeVar("DefaultT")
def parse_zarr_format(data: Any) -> ZarrFormat:
"""Parse the zarr_format field from metadata."""
if data in (2, 3):
return cast(ZarrFormat, data)
msg = f"Invalid zarr_format. Expected one of 2 or 3. Got {data}."
raise ValueError(msg)
def parse_node_type(data: Any) -> NodeType:
"""Parse the node_type field from metadata."""
if data in ("array", "group"):
return cast(Literal["array", "group"], data)
raise MetadataValidationError("node_type", "array or group", data)
# todo: convert None to empty dict
def parse_attributes(data: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Parse the attributes field from metadata."""
if data is None:
return {}
elif isinstance(data, dict) and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in data):
return data
msg = f"Expected dict with string keys. Got {type(data)} instead."
raise TypeError(msg)
def _parse_async_node(node: AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]) -> Array: ...
def _parse_async_node(node: AsyncGroup) -> Group: ...
def _parse_async_node(
node: AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncGroup,
) -> Array | Group:
"""Wrap an AsyncArray in an Array, or an AsyncGroup in a Group."""
if isinstance(node, AsyncArray):
return Array(node)
elif isinstance(node, AsyncGroup):
return Group(node)
raise TypeError(f"Unknown node type, got {type(node)}")
class ConsolidatedMetadata:
Consolidated Metadata for this Group.
This stores the metadata of child nodes below this group. Any child groups
will have their consolidated metadata set appropriately.
metadata: dict[str, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata]
kind: Literal["inline"] = "inline"
must_understand: Literal[False] = False
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, JSON]:
return {
"kind": self.kind,
"must_understand": self.must_understand,
"metadata": {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in self.flattened_metadata.items()},
def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, JSON]) -> ConsolidatedMetadata:
data = dict(data)
kind = data.get("kind")
if kind != "inline":
raise ValueError(f"Consolidated metadata kind='{kind}' is not supported.")
raw_metadata = data.get("metadata")
if not isinstance(raw_metadata, dict):
raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type for 'metadata': {type(raw_metadata)}")
metadata: dict[str, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata] = {}
if raw_metadata:
for k, v in raw_metadata.items():
if not isinstance(v, dict):
raise TypeError(
f"Invalid value for metadata items. key='{k}', type='{type(v).__name__}'"
# zarr_format is present in v2 and v3.
zarr_format = parse_zarr_format(v["zarr_format"])
if zarr_format == 3:
node_type = parse_node_type(v.get("node_type", None))
if node_type == "group":
metadata[k] = GroupMetadata.from_dict(v)
elif node_type == "array":
metadata[k] = ArrayV3Metadata.from_dict(v)
elif zarr_format == 2:
if "shape" in v:
metadata[k] = ArrayV2Metadata.from_dict(v)
metadata[k] = GroupMetadata.from_dict(v)
return cls(metadata=metadata)
def _flat_to_nested(
metadata: dict[str, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata],
) -> None:
Convert a flat metadata representation to a nested one.
Flat metadata is used when persisting the consolidated metadata. The keys
include the full path, not just the node name. The key prefixes can be
used to determine which nodes are children of which other nodes.
Nested metadata is used in-memory. The outermost level will only have the
*immediate* children of the Group. All nested child groups will be stored
under the consolidated metadata of their immediate parent.
# We have a flat mapping from {k: v} where the keys include the *full*
# path segment:
# {
# "/a/b": { group_metadata },
# "/a/b/array-0": { array_metadata },
# "/a/b/array-1": { array_metadata },
# }
# We want to reorganize the metadata such that each Group contains the
# array metadata of its immediate children.
# In the example, the group at `/a/b` will have consolidated metadata
# for its children `array-0` and `array-1`.
# metadata = dict(metadata)
keys = sorted(metadata, key=lambda k: k.count("/"))
grouped = {
k: list(v) for k, v in itertools.groupby(keys, key=lambda k: k.rsplit("/", 1)[0])
# we go top down and directly manipulate metadata.
for key, children_keys in grouped.items():
# key is a key like "a", "a/b", "a/b/c"
# The basic idea is to find the immediate parent (so "", "a", or "a/b")
# and update that node's consolidated metadata to include the metadata
# in children_keys
*prefixes, name = key.split("/")
parent = metadata
while prefixes:
# e.g. a/b/c has a parent "a/b". Walk through to get
# metadata["a"]["b"]
part = prefixes.pop(0)
# we can assume that parent[part] here is a group
# otherwise we wouldn't have a node with this `part` prefix.
# We can also assume that the parent node will have consolidated metadata,
# because we're walking top to bottom.
parent = parent[part].consolidated_metadata.metadata # type: ignore[union-attr]
node = parent[name]
children_keys = list(children_keys)
if isinstance(node, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata):
# These are already present, either thanks to being an array in the
# root, or by being collected as a child in the else clause
children_keys = list(children_keys)
# We pop from metadata, since we're *moving* this under group
children = {
child_key.split("/")[-1]: metadata.pop(child_key)
for child_key in children_keys
if child_key != key
parent[name] = replace(
node, consolidated_metadata=ConsolidatedMetadata(metadata=children)
def flattened_metadata(self) -> dict[str, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata]:
Return the flattened representation of Consolidated Metadata.
The returned dictionary will have a key for each child node in the hierarchy
under this group. Under the default (nested) representation available through
``self.metadata``, the dictionary only contains keys for immediate children.
The keys of the dictionary will include the full path to a child node from
the current group, where segments are joined by ``/``.
>>> cm = ConsolidatedMetadata(
... metadata={
... "group-0": GroupMetadata(
... consolidated_metadata=ConsolidatedMetadata(
... {
... "group-0-0": GroupMetadata(),
... }
... )
... ),
... "group-1": GroupMetadata(),
... }
... )
{'group-0': GroupMetadata(attributes={}, zarr_format=3, consolidated_metadata=None, node_type='group'),
'group-0/group-0-0': GroupMetadata(attributes={}, zarr_format=3, consolidated_metadata=None, node_type='group'),
'group-1': GroupMetadata(attributes={}, zarr_format=3, consolidated_metadata=None, node_type='group')}
metadata = {}
def flatten(
key: str, group: GroupMetadata | ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata
) -> dict[str, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata]:
children: dict[str, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata] = {}
if isinstance(group, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata):
children[key] = group
if group.consolidated_metadata and group.consolidated_metadata.metadata is not None:
children[key] = replace(
group, consolidated_metadata=ConsolidatedMetadata(metadata={})
for name, val in group.consolidated_metadata.metadata.items():
full_key = f"{key}/{name}"
if isinstance(val, GroupMetadata):
children.update(flatten(full_key, val))
children[full_key] = val
children[key] = replace(group, consolidated_metadata=None)
return children
for k, v in self.metadata.items():
metadata.update(flatten(k, v))
return metadata
class GroupMetadata(Metadata):
Metadata for a Group.
attributes: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
zarr_format: ZarrFormat = 3
consolidated_metadata: ConsolidatedMetadata | None = None
node_type: Literal["group"] = field(default="group", init=False)
def to_buffer_dict(self, prototype: BufferPrototype) -> dict[str, Buffer]:
json_indent = config.get("json_indent")
if self.zarr_format == 3:
return {
ZARR_JSON: prototype.buffer.from_bytes(
json.dumps(self.to_dict(), cls=V3JsonEncoder).encode()
items = {
ZGROUP_JSON: prototype.buffer.from_bytes(
json.dumps({"zarr_format": self.zarr_format}, indent=json_indent).encode()
ZATTRS_JSON: prototype.buffer.from_bytes(
json.dumps(self.attributes, indent=json_indent).encode()
if self.consolidated_metadata:
d = {
ZGROUP_JSON: {"zarr_format": self.zarr_format},
ZATTRS_JSON: self.attributes,
consolidated_metadata = self.consolidated_metadata.to_dict()["metadata"]
assert isinstance(consolidated_metadata, dict)
for k, v in consolidated_metadata.items():
attrs = v.pop("attributes", None)
d[f"{k}/{ZATTRS_JSON}"] = attrs
if "shape" in v:
# it's an array
d[f"{k}/{ZARRAY_JSON}"] = v
d[f"{k}/{ZGROUP_JSON}"] = {
"zarr_format": self.zarr_format,
"consolidated_metadata": {
"metadata": {},
"must_understand": False,
"kind": "inline",
items[ZMETADATA_V2_JSON] = prototype.buffer.from_bytes(
{"metadata": d, "zarr_consolidated_format": 1},
return items
def __init__(
attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
zarr_format: ZarrFormat = 3,
consolidated_metadata: ConsolidatedMetadata | None = None,
) -> None:
attributes_parsed = parse_attributes(attributes)
zarr_format_parsed = parse_zarr_format(zarr_format)
object.__setattr__(self, "attributes", attributes_parsed)
object.__setattr__(self, "zarr_format", zarr_format_parsed)
object.__setattr__(self, "consolidated_metadata", consolidated_metadata)
def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> GroupMetadata:
data = dict(data)
assert data.pop("node_type", None) in ("group", None)
consolidated_metadata = data.pop("consolidated_metadata", None)
if consolidated_metadata:
data["consolidated_metadata"] = ConsolidatedMetadata.from_dict(consolidated_metadata)
zarr_format = data.get("zarr_format")
if zarr_format == 2 or zarr_format is None:
# zarr v2 allowed arbitrary keys here.
# We don't want the GroupMetadata constructor to fail just because someone put an
# extra key in the metadata.
expected = { for x in fields(cls)}
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in expected}
return cls(**data)
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
result = asdict(replace(self, consolidated_metadata=None))
if self.consolidated_metadata:
result["consolidated_metadata"] = self.consolidated_metadata.to_dict()
return result
class AsyncGroup:
Asynchronous Group object.
metadata: GroupMetadata
store_path: StorePath
async def from_store(
store: StoreLike,
attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
zarr_format: ZarrFormat = 3,
) -> AsyncGroup:
store_path = await make_store_path(store)
if overwrite:
await store_path.delete_dir()
await ensure_no_existing_node(store_path, zarr_format=zarr_format)
await ensure_no_existing_node(store_path, zarr_format=zarr_format)
attributes = attributes or {}
group = cls(
metadata=GroupMetadata(attributes=attributes, zarr_format=zarr_format),
await group._save_metadata(ensure_parents=True)
return group
async def open(
store: StoreLike,
zarr_format: ZarrFormat | None = 3,
use_consolidated: bool | str | None = None,
) -> AsyncGroup:
"""Open a new AsyncGroup
store : StoreLike
zarr_format : {2, 3}, optional
use_consolidated : bool or str, default None
Whether to use consolidated metadata.
By default, consolidated metadata is used if it's present in the
store (in the ``zarr.json`` for Zarr format 3 and in the ``.zmetadata`` file
for Zarr format 2).
To explicitly require consolidated metadata, set ``use_consolidated=True``,
which will raise an exception if consolidated metadata is not found.
To explicitly *not* use consolidated metadata, set ``use_consolidated=False``,
which will fall back to using the regular, non consolidated metadata.
Zarr format 2 allowed configuring the key storing the consolidated metadata
(``.zmetadata`` by default). Specify the custom key as ``use_consolidated``
to load consolidated metadata from a non-default key.
store_path = await make_store_path(store)
consolidated_key = ZMETADATA_V2_JSON
if (zarr_format == 2 or zarr_format is None) and isinstance(use_consolidated, str):
consolidated_key = use_consolidated
if zarr_format == 2:
paths = [store_path / ZGROUP_JSON, store_path / ZATTRS_JSON]
if use_consolidated or use_consolidated is None:
paths.append(store_path / consolidated_key)
zgroup_bytes, zattrs_bytes, *rest = await asyncio.gather(
*[path.get() for path in paths]
if zgroup_bytes is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(store_path)
if use_consolidated or use_consolidated is None:
maybe_consolidated_metadata_bytes = rest[0]
maybe_consolidated_metadata_bytes = None
elif zarr_format == 3:
zarr_json_bytes = await (store_path / ZARR_JSON).get()
if zarr_json_bytes is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(store_path)
elif zarr_format is None:
) = await asyncio.gather(
(store_path / ZARR_JSON).get(),
(store_path / ZGROUP_JSON).get(),
(store_path / ZATTRS_JSON).get(),
(store_path / str(consolidated_key)).get(),
if zarr_json_bytes is not None and zgroup_bytes is not None:
# warn and favor v3
msg = f"Both zarr.json (Zarr format 3) and .zgroup (Zarr format 2) metadata objects exist at {store_path}. Zarr format 3 will be used."
warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=1)
if zarr_json_bytes is None and zgroup_bytes is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"could not find zarr.json or .zgroup objects in {store_path}"
# set zarr_format based on which keys were found
if zarr_json_bytes is not None:
zarr_format = 3
zarr_format = 2
raise MetadataValidationError("zarr_format", "2, 3, or None", zarr_format)
if zarr_format == 2:
# this is checked above, asserting here for mypy
assert zgroup_bytes is not None
if use_consolidated and maybe_consolidated_metadata_bytes is None:
# the user requested consolidated metadata, but it was missing
raise ValueError(consolidated_key)
elif use_consolidated is False:
# the user explicitly opted out of consolidated_metadata.
# Discard anything we might have read.
maybe_consolidated_metadata_bytes = None
return cls._from_bytes_v2(
store_path, zgroup_bytes, zattrs_bytes, maybe_consolidated_metadata_bytes
# V3 groups are comprised of a zarr.json object
assert zarr_json_bytes is not None
if not isinstance(use_consolidated, bool | None):
raise TypeError("use_consolidated must be a bool or None for Zarr format 3.")
return cls._from_bytes_v3(
def _from_bytes_v2(
store_path: StorePath,
zgroup_bytes: Buffer,
zattrs_bytes: Buffer | None,
consolidated_metadata_bytes: Buffer | None,
) -> AsyncGroup:
# V2 groups are comprised of a .zgroup and .zattrs objects
zgroup = json.loads(zgroup_bytes.to_bytes())
zattrs = json.loads(zattrs_bytes.to_bytes()) if zattrs_bytes is not None else {}
group_metadata = {**zgroup, "attributes": zattrs}
if consolidated_metadata_bytes is not None:
v2_consolidated_metadata = json.loads(consolidated_metadata_bytes.to_bytes())
v2_consolidated_metadata = v2_consolidated_metadata["metadata"]
# We already read zattrs and zgroup. Should we ignore these?
v2_consolidated_metadata.pop(".zattrs", None)
v2_consolidated_metadata.pop(".zgroup", None)
consolidated_metadata: defaultdict[str, dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
# keys like air/.zarray, air/.zattrs
for k, v in v2_consolidated_metadata.items():
path, kind = k.rsplit("/.", 1)
if kind == "zarray":
elif kind == "zattrs":
consolidated_metadata[path]["attributes"] = v
elif kind == "zgroup":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid file type '{kind}' at path '{path}")
group_metadata["consolidated_metadata"] = {
"metadata": dict(consolidated_metadata),
"kind": "inline",
"must_understand": False,
return cls.from_dict(store_path, group_metadata)
def _from_bytes_v3(
store_path: StorePath,
zarr_json_bytes: Buffer,
use_consolidated: bool | None,
) -> AsyncGroup:
group_metadata = json.loads(zarr_json_bytes.to_bytes())
if use_consolidated and group_metadata.get("consolidated_metadata") is None:
msg = f"Consolidated metadata requested with 'use_consolidated=True' but not found in '{store_path.path}'."
raise ValueError(msg)
elif use_consolidated is False:
# Drop consolidated metadata if it's there.
group_metadata.pop("consolidated_metadata", None)
return cls.from_dict(store_path, group_metadata)
def from_dict(
store_path: StorePath,
data: dict[str, Any],
) -> AsyncGroup:
return cls(
async def setitem(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
Fastpath for creating a new array
New arrays will be created with default array settings for the array type.
key : str
Array name
value : array-like
Array data
path = self.store_path / key
await async_api.save_array(
store=path, arr=value, zarr_format=self.metadata.zarr_format, overwrite=True
async def getitem(
key: str,
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncGroup:
Get a subarray or subgroup from the group.
key : str
Array or group name
AsyncArray or AsyncGroup
store_path = self.store_path / key
logger.debug("key=%s, store_path=%s", key, store_path)
metadata: ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata
# Consolidated metadata lets us avoid some I/O operations so try that first.
if self.metadata.consolidated_metadata is not None:
return self._getitem_consolidated(store_path, key,
# Note:
# in zarr-python v2, we first check if `key` references an Array, else if `key` references
# a group,using standalone `contains_array` and `contains_group` functions. These functions
# are reusable, but for v3 they would perform redundant I/O operations.
# Not clear how much of that strategy we want to keep here.
elif self.metadata.zarr_format == 3:
zarr_json_bytes = await (store_path / ZARR_JSON).get()
if zarr_json_bytes is None:
raise KeyError(key)
zarr_json = json.loads(zarr_json_bytes.to_bytes())
metadata = _build_metadata_v3(zarr_json)
return _build_node_v3(metadata, store_path)
elif self.metadata.zarr_format == 2:
# Q: how do we like optimistically fetching .zgroup, .zarray, and .zattrs?
# This guarantees that we will always make at least one extra request to the store
zgroup_bytes, zarray_bytes, zattrs_bytes = await asyncio.gather(
(store_path / ZGROUP_JSON).get(),
(store_path / ZARRAY_JSON).get(),
(store_path / ZATTRS_JSON).get(),
if zgroup_bytes is None and zarray_bytes is None:
raise KeyError(key)
# unpack the zarray, if this is None then we must be opening a group
zarray = json.loads(zarray_bytes.to_bytes()) if zarray_bytes else None
zgroup = json.loads(zgroup_bytes.to_bytes()) if zgroup_bytes else None
# unpack the zattrs, this can be None if no attrs were written
zattrs = json.loads(zattrs_bytes.to_bytes()) if zattrs_bytes is not None else {}
if zarray is not None:
metadata = _build_metadata_v2(zarray, zattrs)
return _build_node_v2(metadata=metadata, store_path=store_path)
# this is just for mypy
assert zgroup is not None
metadata = _build_metadata_v2(zgroup, zattrs)
return _build_node_v2(metadata=metadata, store_path=store_path)
raise ValueError(f"unexpected zarr_format: {self.metadata.zarr_format}")
def _getitem_consolidated(
self, store_path: StorePath, key: str, prefix: str
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncGroup:
# getitem, in the special case where we have consolidated metadata.
# Note that this is a regular def (non async) function.
# This shouldn't do any additional I/O.
# the caller needs to verify this!
assert self.metadata.consolidated_metadata is not None
# we support nested getitems like group/subgroup/array
indexers = key.split("/")
metadata: ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata = self.metadata
while indexers:
indexer = indexers.pop()
if isinstance(metadata, ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata):
# we've indexed into an array with group["array/subarray"]. Invalid.
raise KeyError(key)
if metadata.consolidated_metadata is None:
# we've indexed into a group without consolidated metadata.
# This isn't normal; typically, consolidated metadata
# will include explicit markers for when there are no child
# nodes as metadata={}.
# We have some freedom in exactly how we interpret this case.
# For now, we treat None as the same as {}, i.e. we don't
# have any children.
raise KeyError(key)
metadata = metadata.consolidated_metadata.metadata[indexer]
except KeyError as e:
# The Group Metadata has consolidated metadata, but the key
# isn't present. We trust this to mean that the key isn't in
# the hierarchy, and *don't* fall back to checking the store.
msg = f"'{key}' not found in consolidated metadata."
raise KeyError(msg) from e
# update store_path to ensure that AsyncArray/ is correct
if prefix != "/":
key = "/".join([prefix.lstrip("/"), key])
store_path = StorePath(, path=key)
if isinstance(metadata, GroupMetadata):
return AsyncGroup(metadata=metadata, store_path=store_path)
return AsyncArray(metadata=metadata, store_path=store_path)
async def delitem(self, key: str) -> None:
"""Delete a group member.
key : str
Array or group name
store_path = self.store_path / key
await store_path.delete_dir()
if self.metadata.consolidated_metadata:
self.metadata.consolidated_metadata.metadata.pop(key, None)
await self._save_metadata()
async def get(
self, key: str, default: DefaultT | None = None
) -> AsyncArray[Any] | AsyncGroup | DefaultT | None:
"""Obtain a group member, returning default if not found.
key : str
Group member name.
default : object
Default value to return if key is not found (default: None).
Group member (AsyncArray or AsyncGroup) or default if not found.
return await self.getitem(key)
except KeyError:
return default
async def _save_metadata(self, ensure_parents: bool = False) -> None:
to_save = self.metadata.to_buffer_dict(default_buffer_prototype())
awaitables = [set_or_delete(self.store_path / key, value) for key, value in to_save.items()]
if ensure_parents:
parents = _build_parents(self)
for parent in parents:
(parent.store_path / key).set_if_not_exists(value)
for key, value in parent.metadata.to_buffer_dict(
await asyncio.gather(*awaitables)
def path(self) -> str:
"""Storage path."""
return self.store_path.path
def name(self) -> str:
"""Group name following h5py convention."""
if self.path:
# follow h5py convention: add leading slash
name = self.path
if name[0] != "/":
name = "/" + name
return name
return "/"
def basename(self) -> str:
"""Final component of name."""
def attrs(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return self.metadata.attributes
def info(self) -> Any:
Return a visual representation of the statically known information about a group.
Note that this doesn't include dynamic information, like the number of child
Groups or Arrays.
See Also
All information about a group, including dynamic information
if self.metadata.consolidated_metadata:
members = list(self.metadata.consolidated_metadata.flattened_metadata.values())
members = None
return self._info(members=members)
async def info_complete(self) -> Any:
Return all the information for a group.
This includes dynamic information like the number
of child Groups or Arrays. If this group doesn't contain consolidated
metadata then this will need to read from the backing Store.
See Also
members = [x[1].metadata async for x in self.members(max_depth=None)]
return self._info(members=members)
def _info(
self, members: list[ArrayV2Metadata | ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata] | None = None
) -> Any:
kwargs = {}
if members is not None:
kwargs["_count_members"] = len(members)
count_arrays = 0
count_groups = 0
for member in members:
if isinstance(member, GroupMetadata):
count_groups += 1
count_arrays += 1
kwargs["_count_arrays"] = count_arrays
kwargs["_count_groups"] = count_groups
return GroupInfo(
# maybe do a typeddict
**kwargs, # type: ignore[arg-type]
def store(self) -> Store:
def read_only(self) -> bool:
# Backwards compatibility for 2.x
return self.store_path.read_only
def synchronizer(self) -> None:
# Backwards compatibility for 2.x
# Not implemented in 3.x yet.
return None
async def create_group(
name: str,
overwrite: bool = False,
attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> AsyncGroup:
"""Create a sub-group.
name : str
Group name.
overwrite : bool, optional
If True, do not raise an error if the group already exists.
attributes : dict, optional
Group attributes.
g : AsyncGroup
attributes = attributes or {}
return await type(self).from_store(
self.store_path / name,
async def require_group(self, name: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> AsyncGroup:
"""Obtain a sub-group, creating one if it doesn't exist.
name : str
Group name.
overwrite : bool, optional
Overwrite any existing group with given `name` if present.
g : AsyncGroup
if overwrite:
# TODO: check that overwrite=True errors if an array exists where the group is being created
grp = await self.create_group(name, overwrite=True)
item: (
AsyncGroup | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]
) = await self.getitem(name)
if not isinstance(item, AsyncGroup):
raise TypeError(
f"Incompatible object ({item.__class__.__name__}) already exists"
assert isinstance(item, AsyncGroup) # make mypy happy
grp = item
except KeyError:
grp = await self.create_group(name)
return grp
async def require_groups(self, *names: str) -> tuple[AsyncGroup, ...]:
"""Convenience method to require multiple groups in a single call.
*names : str
Group names.
Tuple[AsyncGroup, ...]
if not names:
return ()
return tuple(await asyncio.gather(*(self.require_group(name) for name in names)))
async def create_array(
name: str,
shape: ShapeLike,
dtype: npt.DTypeLike,
chunks: ChunkCoords | Literal["auto"] = "auto",
shards: ShardsLike | None = None,
filters: FiltersLike = "auto",
compressors: CompressorsLike = "auto",
compressor: CompressorLike = "auto",
serializer: SerializerLike = "auto",
fill_value: Any | None = 0,
order: MemoryOrder | None = None,
attributes: dict[str, JSON] | None = None,
chunk_key_encoding: ChunkKeyEncoding | ChunkKeyEncodingLike | None = None,
dimension_names: Iterable[str] | None = None,
storage_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
config: ArrayConfig | ArrayConfigLike | None = None,
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an array within this group.
This method lightly wraps :func:`zarr.core.array.create_array`.
name : str
The name of the array relative to the group. If ``path`` is ``None``, the array will be located
at the root of the store.
shape : ChunkCoords
Shape of the array.
dtype : npt.DTypeLike
Data type of the array.
chunks : ChunkCoords, optional
Chunk shape of the array.
If not specified, default are guessed based on the shape and dtype.
shards : ChunkCoords, optional
Shard shape of the array. The default value of ``None`` results in no sharding at all.
filters : Iterable[Codec], optional
Iterable of filters to apply to each chunk of the array, in order, before serializing that
chunk to bytes.
For Zarr format 3, a "filter" is a codec that takes an array and returns an array,
and these values must be instances of ``ArrayArrayCodec``, or dict representations
of ``ArrayArrayCodec``.
If no ``filters`` are provided, a default set of filters will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_filters``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default filters.
For Zarr format 2, a "filter" can be any numcodecs codec; you should ensure that the
the order if your filters is consistent with the behavior of each filter.
If no ``filters`` are provided, a default set of filters will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v2_default_filters``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default filters.
compressors : Iterable[Codec], optional
List of compressors to apply to the array. Compressors are applied in order, and after any
filters are applied (if any are specified) and the data is serialized into bytes.
For Zarr format 3, a "compressor" is a codec that takes a bytestream, and
returns another bytestream. Multiple compressors my be provided for Zarr format 3.
If no ``compressors`` are provided, a default set of compressors will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_compressors``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default compressors.
For Zarr format 2, a "compressor" can be any numcodecs codec. Only a single compressor may
be provided for Zarr format 2.
If no ``compressor`` is provided, a default compressor will be used.
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit the default compressor.
compressor : Codec, optional
Deprecated in favor of ``compressors``.
serializer : dict[str, JSON] | ArrayBytesCodec, optional
Array-to-bytes codec to use for encoding the array data.
Zarr format 3 only. Zarr format 2 arrays use implicit array-to-bytes conversion.
If no ``serializer`` is provided, a default serializer will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_serializer``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
fill_value : Any, optional
Fill value for the array.
order : {"C", "F"}, optional
The memory of the array (default is "C").
For Zarr format 2, this parameter sets the memory order of the array.
For Zarr format 3, this parameter is deprecated, because memory order
is a runtime parameter for Zarr format 3 arrays. The recommended way to specify the memory
order for Zarr format 3 arrays is via the ``config`` parameter, e.g. ``{'config': 'C'}``.
If no ``order`` is provided, a default order will be used.
This default can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.order`` in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
attributes : dict, optional
Attributes for the array.
chunk_key_encoding : ChunkKeyEncoding, optional
A specification of how the chunk keys are represented in storage.
For Zarr format 3, the default is ``{"name": "default", "separator": "/"}}``.
For Zarr format 2, the default is ``{"name": "v2", "separator": "."}}``.
dimension_names : Iterable[str], optional
The names of the dimensions (default is None).
Zarr format 3 only. Zarr format 2 arrays should not use this parameter.
storage_options : dict, optional
If using an fsspec URL to create the store, these will be passed to the backend implementation.
Ignored otherwise.
overwrite : bool, default False
Whether to overwrite an array with the same name in the store, if one exists.
config : ArrayConfig or ArrayConfigLike, optional
Runtime configuration for the array.
compressors = _parse_deprecated_compressor(
compressor, compressors, zarr_format=self.metadata.zarr_format
return await create_array(
@deprecated("Use AsyncGroup.create_array instead.")
async def create_dataset(
self, name: str, *, shape: ShapeLike, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an array.
.. deprecated:: 3.0.0
The h5py compatibility methods will be removed in 3.1.0. Use `AsyncGroup.create_array` instead.
Arrays are known as "datasets" in HDF5 terminology. For compatibility
with h5py, Zarr groups also implement the :func:`zarr.AsyncGroup.require_dataset` method.
name : str
Array name.
**kwargs : dict
Additional arguments passed to :func:`zarr.AsyncGroup.create_array`.
a : AsyncArray
data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
# create_dataset in zarr 2.x requires shape but not dtype if data is
# provided. Allow this configuration by inferring dtype from data if
# necessary and passing it to create_array
if "dtype" not in kwargs and data is not None:
kwargs["dtype"] = data.dtype
array = await self.create_array(name, shape=shape, **kwargs)
if data is not None:
await array.setitem(slice(None), data)
return array
@deprecated("Use AsyncGroup.require_array instead.")
async def require_dataset(
name: str,
shape: ChunkCoords,
dtype: npt.DTypeLike = None,
exact: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Obtain an array, creating if it doesn't exist.
.. deprecated:: 3.0.0
The h5py compatibility methods will be removed in 3.1.0. Use `AsyncGroup.require_dataset` instead.
Arrays are known as "datasets" in HDF5 terminology. For compatibility
with h5py, Zarr groups also implement the :func:`zarr.AsyncGroup.create_dataset` method.
Other `kwargs` are as per :func:`zarr.AsyncGroup.create_dataset`.
name : str
Array name.
shape : int or tuple of ints
Array shape.
dtype : str or dtype, optional
NumPy dtype.
exact : bool, optional
If True, require `dtype` to match exactly. If false, require
`dtype` can be cast from array dtype.
a : AsyncArray
return await self.require_array(name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, exact=exact, **kwargs)
async def require_array(
name: str,
shape: ShapeLike,
dtype: npt.DTypeLike = None,
exact: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Obtain an array, creating if it doesn't exist.
Other `kwargs` are as per :func:`zarr.AsyncGroup.create_dataset`.
name : str
Array name.
shape : int or tuple of ints
Array shape.
dtype : str or dtype, optional
NumPy dtype.
exact : bool, optional
If True, require `dtype` to match exactly. If false, require
`dtype` can be cast from array dtype.
a : AsyncArray
ds = await self.getitem(name)
if not isinstance(ds, AsyncArray):
raise TypeError(f"Incompatible object ({ds.__class__.__name__}) already exists")
shape = parse_shapelike(shape)
if shape != ds.shape:
raise TypeError(f"Incompatible shape ({ds.shape} vs {shape})")
dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
if exact:
if ds.dtype != dtype:
raise TypeError(f"Incompatible dtype ({ds.dtype} vs {dtype})")
if not np.can_cast(ds.dtype, dtype):
raise TypeError(f"Incompatible dtype ({ds.dtype} vs {dtype})")
except KeyError:
ds = await self.create_array(name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
return ds
async def update_attributes(self, new_attributes: dict[str, Any]) -> AsyncGroup:
"""Update group attributes.
new_attributes : dict
New attributes to set on the group.
self : AsyncGroup
# metadata.attributes is "frozen" so we simply clear and update the dict
# Write new metadata
await self._save_metadata()
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<AsyncGroup {self.store_path}>"
async def nmembers(
max_depth: int | None = 0,
) -> int:
"""Count the number of members in this group.
max_depth : int, default 0
The maximum number of levels of the hierarchy to include. By
default, (``max_depth=0``) only immediate children are included. Set
``max_depth=None`` to include all nodes, and some positive integer
to consider children within that many levels of the root Group.
count : int
# check if we can use consolidated metadata, which requires that we have non-None
# consolidated metadata at all points in the hierarchy.
if self.metadata.consolidated_metadata is not None:
return len(self.metadata.consolidated_metadata.flattened_metadata)
# TODO: consider using aioitertools.builtins.sum for this
# return await aioitertools.builtins.sum((1 async for _ in self.members()), start=0)
n = 0
async for _ in self.members(max_depth=max_depth):
n += 1
return n
async def members(
max_depth: int | None = 0,
) -> AsyncGenerator[
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncGroup],
Returns an AsyncGenerator over the arrays and groups contained in this group.
This method requires that `` supports directory listing.
The results are not guaranteed to be ordered.
max_depth : int, default 0
The maximum number of levels of the hierarchy to include. By
default, (``max_depth=0``) only immediate children are included. Set
``max_depth=None`` to include all nodes, and some positive integer
to consider children within that many levels of the root Group.
A string giving the path to the target, relative to the Group ``self``.
value: AsyncArray or AsyncGroup
The AsyncArray or AsyncGroup that is a child of ``self``.
if max_depth is not None and max_depth < 0:
raise ValueError(f"max_depth must be None or >= 0. Got '{max_depth}' instead")
async for item in self._members(max_depth=max_depth):
yield item
def _members_consolidated(
self, max_depth: int | None, prefix: str = ""
) -> Generator[
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncGroup],
consolidated_metadata = self.metadata.consolidated_metadata
do_recursion = max_depth is None or max_depth > 0
# we kind of just want the top-level keys.
if consolidated_metadata is not None:
for key in consolidated_metadata.metadata:
obj = self._getitem_consolidated(
self.store_path, key,
) # Metadata -> Group/Array
key = f"{prefix}/{key}".lstrip("/")
yield key, obj
if do_recursion and isinstance(obj, AsyncGroup):
if max_depth is None:
new_depth = None
new_depth = max_depth - 1
yield from obj._members_consolidated(new_depth, prefix=key)
async def _members(
self, max_depth: int | None
) -> AsyncGenerator[
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup], None
skip_keys: tuple[str, ...]
if self.metadata.zarr_format == 2:
skip_keys = (".zattrs", ".zgroup", ".zarray", ".zmetadata")
elif self.metadata.zarr_format == 3:
skip_keys = ("zarr.json",)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown Zarr format: {self.metadata.zarr_format}")
if self.metadata.consolidated_metadata is not None:
members = self._members_consolidated(max_depth=max_depth)
for member in members:
yield member
if not
msg = (
f"The store associated with this group ({type(}) "
"does not support listing, "
"specifically via the `list_dir` method. "
"This function requires a store that supports listing."
raise ValueError(msg)
# enforce a concurrency limit by passing a semaphore to all the recursive functions
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(config.get("async.concurrency"))
async for member in _iter_members_deep(
self, max_depth=max_depth, skip_keys=skip_keys, semaphore=semaphore
yield member
async def keys(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
"""Iterate over member names."""
async for key, _ in self.members():
yield key
async def contains(self, member: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a member exists in the group.
member : str
Member name.
# TODO: this can be made more efficient.
await self.getitem(member)
except KeyError:
return False
return True
async def groups(self) -> AsyncGenerator[tuple[str, AsyncGroup], None]:
"""Iterate over subgroups."""
async for name, value in self.members():
if isinstance(value, AsyncGroup):
yield name, value
async def group_keys(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
"""Iterate over group names."""
async for key, _ in self.groups():
yield key
async def group_values(self) -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncGroup, None]:
"""Iterate over group values."""
async for _, group in self.groups():
yield group
async def arrays(
) -> AsyncGenerator[
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]], None
"""Iterate over arrays."""
async for key, value in self.members():
if isinstance(value, AsyncArray):
yield key, value
async def array_keys(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
"""Iterate over array names."""
async for key, _ in self.arrays():
yield key
async def array_values(
) -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata], None]:
"""Iterate over array values."""
async for _, array in self.arrays():
yield array
async def tree(self, expand: bool | None = None, level: int | None = None) -> Any:
Return a tree-like representation of a hierarchy.
This requires the optional ``rich`` dependency.
expand : bool, optional
This keyword is not yet supported. A NotImplementedError is raised if
it's used.
level : int, optional
The maximum depth below this Group to display in the tree.
A pretty-printable object displaying the hierarchy.
from zarr.core._tree import group_tree_async
if expand is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("'expand' is not yet implemented.")
return await group_tree_async(self, max_depth=level)
async def empty(
self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an empty array in this Group.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The contents of an empty Zarr array are not defined. On attempting to
retrieve data from an empty Zarr array, any values may be returned,
and these are not guaranteed to be stable from one access to the next.
return await async_api.empty(shape=shape, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def zeros(
self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an array, with zero being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.zeros(shape=shape, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def ones(
self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an array, with one being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.ones(shape=shape, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def full(
self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, fill_value: Any | None, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an array, with "fill_value" being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
fill_value : scalar
Value to fill the array with.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.full(
async def empty_like(
self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create an empty sub-array like `data`.
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create an empty array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.empty_like(a=data, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def zeros_like(
self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create a sub-array of zeros like `data`.
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create the new array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.zeros_like(a=data, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def ones_like(
self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create a sub-array of ones like `data`.
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create the new array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.ones_like(a=data, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def full_like(
self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata]:
"""Create a sub-array like `data` filled with the `fill_value` of `data` .
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create the new array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return await async_api.full_like(a=data, store=self.store_path, path=name, **kwargs)
async def move(self, source: str, dest: str) -> None:
"""Move a sub-group or sub-array from one path to another.
Not implemented
raise NotImplementedError
class Group(SyncMixin):
_async_group: AsyncGroup
def from_store(
store: StoreLike,
attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
zarr_format: ZarrFormat = 3,
overwrite: bool = False,
) -> Group:
"""Instantiate a group from an initialized store.
store : StoreLike
StoreLike containing the Group.
attributes : dict, optional
A dictionary of JSON-serializable values with user-defined attributes.
zarr_format : {2, 3}, optional
Zarr storage format version.
overwrite : bool, optional
If True, do not raise an error if the group already exists.
Group instantiated from the store.
ContainsArrayError, ContainsGroupError, ContainsArrayAndGroupError
attributes = attributes or {}
obj = sync(
return cls(obj)
def open(
store: StoreLike,
zarr_format: ZarrFormat | None = 3,
) -> Group:
"""Open a group from an initialized store.
store : StoreLike
Store containing the Group.
zarr_format : {2, 3, None}, optional
Zarr storage format version.
Group instantiated from the store.
obj = sync(, zarr_format=zarr_format))
return cls(obj)
def __getitem__(self, path: str) -> Array | Group:
"""Obtain a group member.
path : str
Group member name.
Array | Group
Group member (Array or Group) at the specified key
>>> import zarr
>>> group = Group.from_store(
>>> group.create_array(name="subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> group.create_group(name="subgroup").create_array(name="subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> group["subarray"]
<Array memory://132270269438272/subarray shape=(10,) dtype=float64>
>>> group["subgroup"]
<Group memory://132270269438272/subgroup>
>>> group["subgroup"]["subarray"]
<Array memory://132270269438272/subgroup/subarray shape=(10,) dtype=float64>
obj = self._sync(self._async_group.getitem(path))
if isinstance(obj, AsyncArray):
return Array(obj)
return Group(obj)
def get(self, path: str, default: DefaultT | None = None) -> Array | Group | DefaultT | None:
"""Obtain a group member, returning default if not found.
path : str
Group member name.
default : object
Default value to return if key is not found (default: None).
Group member (Array or Group) or default if not found.
>>> import zarr
>>> group = Group.from_store(
>>> group.create_array(name="subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> group.create_group(name="subgroup")
>>> group.get("subarray")
<Array memory://132270269438272/subarray shape=(10,) dtype=float64>
>>> group.get("subgroup")
<Group memory://132270269438272/subgroup>
>>> group.get("nonexistent", None)
return self[path]
except KeyError:
return default
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
"""Delete a group member.
key : str
Group member name.
>>> import zarr
>>> group = Group.from_store(
>>> group.create_array(name="subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> del group["subarray"]
>>> "subarray" in group
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Return an iterator over group member names.
>>> import zarr
>>> g1 =
>>> g2 = g1.create_group('foo')
>>> g3 = g1.create_group('bar')
>>> d1 = g1.create_array('baz', shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> d2 = g1.create_array('quux', shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> for name in g1:
... print(name)
yield from self.keys()
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Number of members."""
return self.nmembers()
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
"""Fastpath for creating a new array.
New arrays will be created using default settings for the array type.
If you need to create an array with custom settings, use the `create_array` method.
key : str
Array name.
value : Any
Array data.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group["foo"] = zarr.zeros((10,))
>>> group["foo"]
<Array memory://132270269438272/foo shape=(10,) dtype=float64>
self._sync(self._async_group.setitem(key, value))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Group {self.store_path}>"
async def update_attributes_async(self, new_attributes: dict[str, Any]) -> Group:
"""Update the attributes of this group.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> await group.update_attributes_async({"foo": "bar"})
>>> group.attrs.asdict()
{'foo': 'bar'}
new_metadata = replace(self.metadata, attributes=new_attributes)
# Write new metadata
to_save = new_metadata.to_buffer_dict(default_buffer_prototype())
awaitables = [set_or_delete(self.store_path / key, value) for key, value in to_save.items()]
await asyncio.gather(*awaitables)
async_group = replace(self._async_group, metadata=new_metadata)
return replace(self, _async_group=async_group)
def store_path(self) -> StorePath:
"""Path-like interface for the Store."""
return self._async_group.store_path
def metadata(self) -> GroupMetadata:
"""Group metadata."""
return self._async_group.metadata
def path(self) -> str:
"""Storage path."""
return self._async_group.path
def name(self) -> str:
"""Group name following h5py convention."""
def basename(self) -> str:
"""Final component of name."""
return self._async_group.basename
def attrs(self) -> Attributes:
"""Attributes of this Group"""
return Attributes(self)
def info(self) -> Any:
Return the statically known information for a group.
See Also
All information about a group, including dynamic information
like the children members.
def info_complete(self) -> Any:
Return information for a group.
If this group doesn't contain consolidated metadata then
this will need to read from the backing Store.
See Also
return self._sync(self._async_group.info_complete())
def store(self) -> Store:
# Backwards compatibility for 2.x
def read_only(self) -> bool:
# Backwards compatibility for 2.x
return self._async_group.read_only
def synchronizer(self) -> None:
# Backwards compatibility for 2.x
# Not implemented in 3.x yet.
return self._async_group.synchronizer
def update_attributes(self, new_attributes: dict[str, Any]) -> Group:
"""Update the attributes of this group.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.update_attributes({"foo": "bar"})
>>> group.attrs.asdict()
{'foo': 'bar'}
return self
def nmembers(self, max_depth: int | None = 0) -> int:
"""Count the number of members in this group.
max_depth : int, default 0
The maximum number of levels of the hierarchy to include. By
default, (``max_depth=0``) only immediate children are included. Set
``max_depth=None`` to include all nodes, and some positive integer
to consider children within that many levels of the root Group.
count : int
return self._sync(self._async_group.nmembers(max_depth=max_depth))
def members(self, max_depth: int | None = 0) -> tuple[tuple[str, Array | Group], ...]:
Return the sub-arrays and sub-groups of this group as a tuple of (name, array | group)
_members = self._sync_iter(self._async_group.members(max_depth=max_depth))
return tuple((kv[0], _parse_async_node(kv[1])) for kv in _members)
def keys(self) -> Generator[str, None]:
"""Return an iterator over group member names.
>>> import zarr
>>> g1 =
>>> g2 = g1.create_group('foo')
>>> g3 = g1.create_group('bar')
>>> d1 = g1.create_array('baz', shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> d2 = g1.create_array('quux', shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> for name in g1.keys():
... print(name)
yield from self._sync_iter(self._async_group.keys())
def __contains__(self, member: str) -> bool:
"""Test for group membership.
>>> import zarr
>>> g1 =
>>> g2 = g1.create_group('foo')
>>> d1 = g1.create_array('bar', shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> 'foo' in g1
>>> 'bar' in g1
>>> 'baz' in g1
return self._sync(self._async_group.contains(member))
def groups(self) -> Generator[tuple[str, Group], None]:
"""Return the sub-groups of this group as a generator of (name, group) pairs.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.create_group("subgroup")
>>> for name, subgroup in group.groups():
... print(name, subgroup)
subgroup <Group memory://132270269438272/subgroup>
for name, async_group in self._sync_iter(self._async_group.groups()):
yield name, Group(async_group)
def group_keys(self) -> Generator[str, None]:
"""Return an iterator over group member names.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.create_group("subgroup")
>>> for name in group.group_keys():
... print(name)
for name, _ in self.groups():
yield name
def group_values(self) -> Generator[Group, None]:
"""Return an iterator over group members.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.create_group("subgroup")
>>> for subgroup in group.group_values():
... print(subgroup)
<Group memory://132270269438272/subgroup>
for _, group in self.groups():
yield group
def arrays(self) -> Generator[tuple[str, Array], None]:
"""Return the sub-arrays of this group as a generator of (name, array) pairs
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.create_array("subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> for name, subarray in group.arrays():
... print(name, subarray)
subarray <Array memory://140198565357056/subarray shape=(10,) dtype=float64>
for name, async_array in self._sync_iter(self._async_group.arrays()):
yield name, Array(async_array)
def array_keys(self) -> Generator[str, None]:
"""Return an iterator over group member names.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.create_array("subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> for name in group.array_keys():
... print(name)
for name, _ in self.arrays():
yield name
def array_values(self) -> Generator[Array, None]:
"""Return an iterator over group members.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> group.create_array("subarray", shape=(10,), chunks=(10,))
>>> for subarray in group.array_values():
... print(subarray)
<Array memory://140198565357056/subarray shape=(10,) dtype=float64>
for _, array in self.arrays():
yield array
def tree(self, expand: bool | None = None, level: int | None = None) -> Any:
Return a tree-like representation of a hierarchy.
This requires the optional ``rich`` dependency.
expand : bool, optional
This keyword is not yet supported. A NotImplementedError is raised if
it's used.
level : int, optional
The maximum depth below this Group to display in the tree.
A pretty-printable object displaying the hierarchy.
return self._sync(self._async_group.tree(expand=expand, level=level))
def create_group(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Group:
"""Create a sub-group.
name : str
Name of the new subgroup.
>>> import zarr
>>> group =
>>> subgroup = group.create_group("subgroup")
>>> subgroup
<Group memory://132270269438272/subgroup>
return Group(self._sync(self._async_group.create_group(name, **kwargs)))
def require_group(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Group:
"""Obtain a sub-group, creating one if it doesn't exist.
name : str
Group name.
g : Group
return Group(self._sync(self._async_group.require_group(name, **kwargs)))
def require_groups(self, *names: str) -> tuple[Group, ...]:
"""Convenience method to require multiple groups in a single call.
*names : str
Group names.
groups : tuple of Groups
return tuple(map(Group, self._sync(self._async_group.require_groups(*names))))
def create(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
# Backwards compatibility for 2.x
return self.create_array(*args, **kwargs)
def create_array(
name: str,
shape: ShapeLike,
dtype: npt.DTypeLike,
chunks: ChunkCoords | Literal["auto"] = "auto",
shards: ShardsLike | None = None,
filters: FiltersLike = "auto",
compressors: CompressorsLike = "auto",
compressor: CompressorLike = "auto",
serializer: SerializerLike = "auto",
fill_value: Any | None = 0,
order: MemoryOrder | None = "C",
attributes: dict[str, JSON] | None = None,
chunk_key_encoding: ChunkKeyEncoding | ChunkKeyEncodingLike | None = None,
dimension_names: Iterable[str] | None = None,
storage_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
config: ArrayConfig | ArrayConfigLike | None = None,
) -> Array:
"""Create an array within this group.
This method lightly wraps :func:`zarr.core.array.create_array`.
name : str
The name of the array relative to the group. If ``path`` is ``None``, the array will be located
at the root of the store.
shape : ChunkCoords
Shape of the array.
dtype : npt.DTypeLike
Data type of the array.
chunks : ChunkCoords, optional
Chunk shape of the array.
If not specified, default are guessed based on the shape and dtype.
shards : ChunkCoords, optional
Shard shape of the array. The default value of ``None`` results in no sharding at all.
filters : Iterable[Codec], optional
Iterable of filters to apply to each chunk of the array, in order, before serializing that
chunk to bytes.
For Zarr format 3, a "filter" is a codec that takes an array and returns an array,
and these values must be instances of ``ArrayArrayCodec``, or dict representations
of ``ArrayArrayCodec``.
If no ``filters`` are provided, a default set of filters will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_filters``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default filters.
For Zarr format 2, a "filter" can be any numcodecs codec; you should ensure that the
the order if your filters is consistent with the behavior of each filter.
If no ``filters`` are provided, a default set of filters will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v2_default_filters``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default filters.
compressors : Iterable[Codec], optional
List of compressors to apply to the array. Compressors are applied in order, and after any
filters are applied (if any are specified) and the data is serialized into bytes.
For Zarr format 3, a "compressor" is a codec that takes a bytestream, and
returns another bytestream. Multiple compressors my be provided for Zarr format 3.
If no ``compressors`` are provided, a default set of compressors will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_compressors``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default compressors.
For Zarr format 2, a "compressor" can be any numcodecs codec. Only a single compressor may
be provided for Zarr format 2.
If no ``compressor`` is provided, a default compressor will be used.
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit the default compressor.
compressor : Codec, optional
Deprecated in favor of ``compressors``.
serializer : dict[str, JSON] | ArrayBytesCodec, optional
Array-to-bytes codec to use for encoding the array data.
Zarr format 3 only. Zarr format 2 arrays use implicit array-to-bytes conversion.
If no ``serializer`` is provided, a default serializer will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_serializer``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
fill_value : Any, optional
Fill value for the array.
order : {"C", "F"}, optional
The memory of the array (default is "C").
For Zarr format 2, this parameter sets the memory order of the array.
For Zarr format 3, this parameter is deprecated, because memory order
is a runtime parameter for Zarr format 3 arrays. The recommended way to specify the memory
order for Zarr format 3 arrays is via the ``config`` parameter, e.g. ``{'config': 'C'}``.
If no ``order`` is provided, a default order will be used.
This default can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.order`` in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
attributes : dict, optional
Attributes for the array.
chunk_key_encoding : ChunkKeyEncoding, optional
A specification of how the chunk keys are represented in storage.
For Zarr format 3, the default is ``{"name": "default", "separator": "/"}}``.
For Zarr format 2, the default is ``{"name": "v2", "separator": "."}}``.
dimension_names : Iterable[str], optional
The names of the dimensions (default is None).
Zarr format 3 only. Zarr format 2 arrays should not use this parameter.
storage_options : dict, optional
If using an fsspec URL to create the store, these will be passed to the backend implementation.
Ignored otherwise.
overwrite : bool, default False
Whether to overwrite an array with the same name in the store, if one exists.
config : ArrayConfig or ArrayConfigLike, optional
Runtime configuration for the array.
compressors = _parse_deprecated_compressor(
compressor, compressors, zarr_format=self.metadata.zarr_format
return Array(
@deprecated("Use Group.create_array instead.")
def create_dataset(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create an array.
.. deprecated:: 3.0.0
The h5py compatibility methods will be removed in 3.1.0. Use `Group.create_array` instead.
Arrays are known as "datasets" in HDF5 terminology. For compatibility
with h5py, Zarr groups also implement the :func:`zarr.Group.require_dataset` method.
name : str
Array name.
**kwargs : dict
Additional arguments passed to :func:`zarr.Group.create_array`
a : Array
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.create_dataset(name, **kwargs)))
@deprecated("Use Group.require_array instead.")
def require_dataset(self, name: str, *, shape: ShapeLike, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Obtain an array, creating if it doesn't exist.
.. deprecated:: 3.0.0
The h5py compatibility methods will be removed in 3.1.0. Use `Group.require_array` instead.
Arrays are known as "datasets" in HDF5 terminology. For compatibility
with h5py, Zarr groups also implement the :func:`zarr.Group.create_dataset` method.
Other `kwargs` are as per :func:`zarr.Group.create_dataset`.
name : str
Array name.
**kwargs :
See :func:`zarr.Group.create_dataset`.
a : Array
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.require_array(name, shape=shape, **kwargs)))
def require_array(self, name: str, *, shape: ShapeLike, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Obtain an array, creating if it doesn't exist.
Other `kwargs` are as per :func:`zarr.Group.create_array`.
name : str
Array name.
**kwargs :
See :func:`zarr.Group.create_array`.
a : Array
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.require_array(name, shape=shape, **kwargs)))
def empty(self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create an empty array in this Group.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The contents of an empty Zarr array are not defined. On attempting to
retrieve data from an empty Zarr array, any values may be returned,
and these are not guaranteed to be stable from one access to the next.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.empty(name=name, shape=shape, **kwargs)))
def zeros(self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create an array, with zero being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.zeros(name=name, shape=shape, **kwargs)))
def ones(self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create an array, with one being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.ones(name=name, shape=shape, **kwargs)))
def full(
self, *, name: str, shape: ChunkCoords, fill_value: Any | None, **kwargs: Any
) -> Array:
"""Create an array, with "fill_value" being used as the default value for uninitialized portions of the array.
name : str
Name of the array.
shape : int or tuple of int
Shape of the empty array.
fill_value : scalar
Value to fill the array with.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(
self._async_group.full(name=name, shape=shape, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs)
def empty_like(self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create an empty sub-array like `data`.
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create an empty array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.empty_like(name=name, data=data, **kwargs)))
def zeros_like(self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create a sub-array of zeros like `data`.
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create the new array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.zeros_like(name=name, data=data, **kwargs)))
def ones_like(self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create a sub-array of ones like `data`.
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create the new array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.ones_like(name=name, data=data, **kwargs)))
def full_like(self, *, name: str, data: async_api.ArrayLike, **kwargs: Any) -> Array:
"""Create a sub-array like `data` filled with the `fill_value` of `data` .
name : str
Name of the array.
data : array-like
The array to create the new array like.
Keyword arguments passed to :func:`zarr.api.asynchronous.create`.
The new array.
return Array(self._sync(self._async_group.full_like(name=name, data=data, **kwargs)))
def move(self, source: str, dest: str) -> None:
"""Move a sub-group or sub-array from one path to another.
Not implemented
return self._sync(self._async_group.move(source, dest))
@deprecated("Use Group.create_array instead.")
def array(
name: str,
shape: ShapeLike,
dtype: npt.DTypeLike,
chunks: ChunkCoords | Literal["auto"] = "auto",
shards: ChunkCoords | Literal["auto"] | None = None,
filters: FiltersLike = "auto",
compressors: CompressorsLike = "auto",
compressor: CompressorLike = None,
serializer: SerializerLike = "auto",
fill_value: Any | None = 0,
order: MemoryOrder | None = "C",
attributes: dict[str, JSON] | None = None,
chunk_key_encoding: ChunkKeyEncoding | ChunkKeyEncodingLike | None = None,
dimension_names: Iterable[str] | None = None,
storage_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
config: ArrayConfig | ArrayConfigLike | None = None,
data: npt.ArrayLike | None = None,
) -> Array:
"""Create an array within this group.
.. deprecated:: 3.0.0
Use `Group.create_array` instead.
This method lightly wraps :func:`zarr.core.array.create_array`.
name : str
The name of the array relative to the group. If ``path`` is ``None``, the array will be located
at the root of the store.
shape : ChunkCoords
Shape of the array.
dtype : npt.DTypeLike
Data type of the array.
chunks : ChunkCoords, optional
Chunk shape of the array.
If not specified, default are guessed based on the shape and dtype.
shards : ChunkCoords, optional
Shard shape of the array. The default value of ``None`` results in no sharding at all.
filters : Iterable[Codec], optional
Iterable of filters to apply to each chunk of the array, in order, before serializing that
chunk to bytes.
For Zarr format 3, a "filter" is a codec that takes an array and returns an array,
and these values must be instances of ``ArrayArrayCodec``, or dict representations
of ``ArrayArrayCodec``.
If no ``filters`` are provided, a default set of filters will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_filters``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default filters.
For Zarr format 2, a "filter" can be any numcodecs codec; you should ensure that the
the order if your filters is consistent with the behavior of each filter.
If no ``filters`` are provided, a default set of filters will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v2_default_filters``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default filters.
compressors : Iterable[Codec], optional
List of compressors to apply to the array. Compressors are applied in order, and after any
filters are applied (if any are specified) and the data is serialized into bytes.
For Zarr format 3, a "compressor" is a codec that takes a bytestream, and
returns another bytestream. Multiple compressors my be provided for Zarr format 3.
If no ``compressors`` are provided, a default set of compressors will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_compressors``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit default compressors.
For Zarr format 2, a "compressor" can be any numcodecs codec. Only a single compressor may
be provided for Zarr format 2.
If no ``compressor`` is provided, a default compressor will be used.
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
Use ``None`` to omit the default compressor.
compressor : Codec, optional
Deprecated in favor of ``compressors``.
serializer : dict[str, JSON] | ArrayBytesCodec, optional
Array-to-bytes codec to use for encoding the array data.
Zarr format 3 only. Zarr format 2 arrays use implicit array-to-bytes conversion.
If no ``serializer`` is provided, a default serializer will be used.
These defaults can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.v3_default_serializer``
in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
fill_value : Any, optional
Fill value for the array.
order : {"C", "F"}, optional
The memory of the array (default is "C").
For Zarr format 2, this parameter sets the memory order of the array.
For Zarr format 3, this parameter is deprecated, because memory order
is a runtime parameter for Zarr format 3 arrays. The recommended way to specify the memory
order for Zarr format 3 arrays is via the ``config`` parameter, e.g. ``{'config': 'C'}``.
If no ``order`` is provided, a default order will be used.
This default can be changed by modifying the value of ``array.order`` in :mod:`zarr.core.config`.
attributes : dict, optional
Attributes for the array.
chunk_key_encoding : ChunkKeyEncoding, optional
A specification of how the chunk keys are represented in storage.
For Zarr format 3, the default is ``{"name": "default", "separator": "/"}}``.
For Zarr format 2, the default is ``{"name": "v2", "separator": "."}}``.
dimension_names : Iterable[str], optional
The names of the dimensions (default is None).
Zarr format 3 only. Zarr format 2 arrays should not use this parameter.
storage_options : dict, optional
If using an fsspec URL to create the store, these will be passed to the backend implementation.
Ignored otherwise.
overwrite : bool, default False
Whether to overwrite an array with the same name in the store, if one exists.
config : ArrayConfig or ArrayConfigLike, optional
Runtime configuration for the array.
data : array_like
The data to fill the array with.
compressors = _parse_deprecated_compressor(compressor, compressors)
return Array(
async def _getitem_semaphore(
node: AsyncGroup, key: str, semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore | None
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup:
Combine node.getitem with an optional semaphore. If the semaphore parameter is an
asyncio.Semaphore instance, then the getitem operation is performed inside an async context
manager provided by that semaphore. If the semaphore parameter is None, then getitem is invoked
without a context manager.
if semaphore is not None:
async with semaphore:
return await node.getitem(key)
return await node.getitem(key)
async def _iter_members(
node: AsyncGroup,
skip_keys: tuple[str, ...],
semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore | None,
) -> AsyncGenerator[
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup], None
Iterate over the arrays and groups contained in a group.
node : AsyncGroup
The group to traverse.
skip_keys : tuple[str, ...]
A tuple of keys to skip when iterating over the possible members of the group.
semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore | None
An optional semaphore to use for concurrency control.
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup]
# retrieve keys from storage
keys = [key async for key in]
keys_filtered = tuple(filter(lambda v: v not in skip_keys, keys))
node_tasks = tuple(
asyncio.create_task(_getitem_semaphore(node, key, semaphore), name=key)
for key in keys_filtered
for fetched_node_coro in asyncio.as_completed(node_tasks):
fetched_node = await fetched_node_coro
except KeyError as e:
# keyerror is raised when `key` names an object (in the object storage sense),
# as opposed to a prefix, in the store under the prefix associated with this group
# in which case `key` cannot be the name of a sub-array or sub-group.
f"Object at {e.args[0]} is not recognized as a component of a Zarr hierarchy.",
match fetched_node:
case AsyncArray() | AsyncGroup():
yield fetched_node.basename, fetched_node
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type: {type(fetched_node)}")
async def _iter_members_deep(
group: AsyncGroup,
max_depth: int | None,
skip_keys: tuple[str, ...],
semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore | None = None,
) -> AsyncGenerator[
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup], None
Iterate over the arrays and groups contained in a group, and optionally the
arrays and groups contained in those groups.
group : AsyncGroup
The group to traverse.
max_depth : int | None
The maximum depth of recursion.
skip_keys : tuple[str, ...]
A tuple of keys to skip when iterating over the possible members of the group.
semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore | None
An optional semaphore to use for concurrency control.
tuple[str, AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup]
to_recurse = {}
do_recursion = max_depth is None or max_depth > 0
if max_depth is None:
new_depth = None
new_depth = max_depth - 1
async for name, node in _iter_members(group, skip_keys=skip_keys, semaphore=semaphore):
yield name, node
if isinstance(node, AsyncGroup) and do_recursion:
to_recurse[name] = _iter_members_deep(
node, max_depth=new_depth, skip_keys=skip_keys, semaphore=semaphore
for prefix, subgroup_iter in to_recurse.items():
async for name, node in subgroup_iter:
key = f"{prefix}/{name}".lstrip("/")
yield key, node
def _resolve_metadata_v2(
blobs: tuple[str | bytes | bytearray, str | bytes | bytearray],
) -> ArrayV2Metadata | GroupMetadata:
zarr_metadata = json.loads(blobs[0])
attrs = json.loads(blobs[1])
if "shape" in zarr_metadata:
return ArrayV2Metadata.from_dict(zarr_metadata | {"attrs": attrs})
return GroupMetadata.from_dict(zarr_metadata | {"attrs": attrs})
def _build_metadata_v3(zarr_json: dict[str, Any]) -> ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata:
Take a dict and convert it into the correct metadata type.
if "node_type" not in zarr_json:
raise KeyError("missing `node_type` key in metadata document.")
match zarr_json:
case {"node_type": "array"}:
return ArrayV3Metadata.from_dict(zarr_json)
case {"node_type": "group"}:
return GroupMetadata.from_dict(zarr_json)
case _:
raise ValueError("invalid value for `node_type` key in metadata document")
def _build_metadata_v2(
zarr_json: dict[str, Any], attrs_json: dict[str, Any]
) -> ArrayV2Metadata | GroupMetadata:
Take a dict and convert it into the correct metadata type.
match zarr_json:
case {"shape": _}:
return ArrayV2Metadata.from_dict(zarr_json | {"attributes": attrs_json})
case _:
return GroupMetadata.from_dict(zarr_json | {"attributes": attrs_json})
def _build_node_v3(
metadata: ArrayV3Metadata | GroupMetadata, store_path: StorePath
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV3Metadata] | AsyncGroup:
Take a metadata object and return a node (AsyncArray or AsyncGroup).
match metadata:
case ArrayV3Metadata():
return AsyncArray(metadata, store_path=store_path)
case GroupMetadata():
return AsyncGroup(metadata, store_path=store_path)
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected metadata type: {type(metadata)}")
def _build_node_v2(
metadata: ArrayV2Metadata | GroupMetadata, store_path: StorePath
) -> AsyncArray[ArrayV2Metadata] | AsyncGroup:
Take a metadata object and return a node (AsyncArray or AsyncGroup).
match metadata:
case ArrayV2Metadata():
return AsyncArray(metadata, store_path=store_path)
case GroupMetadata():
return AsyncGroup(metadata, store_path=store_path)
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected metadata type: {type(metadata)}")