V3 Specification Implementation(``zarr._storage.v3``) ===================================================== This module contains an experimental implementation of the `Zarr V3 Specification `_. .. warning:: The experimental v3 implementation included in Zarr Python >2.12,<3 is not aligned with the final V3 specification. This version is deprecated and will be removed in Zarr Python 3.0 in favor of a spec compliant version. The new ``zarr._store.v3`` package has the necessary classes and functions for evaluating Zarr V3. Since the design is not finalised, the classes and functions are not automatically imported into the regular Zarr namespace. Code snippet for creating Zarr V3 arrays:: >>> import zarr >>> z = zarr.create((10000, 10000), >>> chunks=(100, 100), >>> dtype='f8', >>> compressor='default', >>> path='path-where-you-want-zarr-v3-array', >>> zarr_version=3) Further, you can use `z.info` to see details about the array you just created:: >>> z.info Name : path-where-you-want-zarr-v3-array Type : zarr.core.Array Data type : float64 Shape : (10000, 10000) Chunk shape : (100, 100) Order : C Read-only : False Compressor : Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, blocksize=0) Store type : zarr._storage.v3.KVStoreV3 No. bytes : 800000000 (762.9M) No. bytes stored : 557 Storage ratio : 1436265.7 Chunks initialized : 0/10000 You can also check ``Store type`` here (which indicates Zarr V3). .. module:: zarr._storage.v3 .. autoclass:: RmdirV3 .. autoclass:: KVStoreV3 .. autoclass:: FSStoreV3 .. autoclass:: MemoryStoreV3 .. autoclass:: DirectoryStoreV3 .. autoclass:: ZipStoreV3 .. autoclass:: RedisStoreV3 .. autoclass:: MongoDBStoreV3 .. autoclass:: DBMStoreV3 .. autoclass:: LMDBStoreV3 .. autoclass:: SQLiteStoreV3 .. autoclass:: LRUStoreCacheV3 .. autoclass:: ConsolidatedMetadataStoreV3 In v3 `storage transformers `_ can be set via ``zarr.create(…, storage_transformers=[…])``. The experimental sharding storage transformer can be tested by setting the environment variable ``ZARR_V3_SHARDING=1``. Data written with this flag enabled should be expected to become stale until `ZEP 2 `_ is approved and fully implemented. .. module:: zarr._storage.v3_storage_transformers .. autoclass:: ShardingStorageTransformer The abstract base class for storage transformers is .. module:: zarr._storage.store .. autoclass:: StorageTransformer